Welcome To The Student Area
This area is where students of mine will find a huge range of practice resources and bonus lesson materials to aid their learning and provide them with aids to their learning. These lesson materials are tailored towards their needs based on the results and feedback provided to me by students since 2006.
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Inside You Will Find...
A huge library of masterclass video footage. These were run for my students and available nowhere else and are available to watch again and again for free as a paying student.

A massive collection of drum beat MP3s. Students who have lessons with me quickly realise the importance of playing and practicing in time. With drum beat recordings they can practice at home in the same way as we do in lessons.

Custom made practice resources. Over the years of teaching I have created subject specific practice resources for my students based on what we have found that they need to get the best results from their practice. These are free resources found nowhere else.

Again, all these resources are for paying students of mine and are found nowhere else online. All materials are free to students as long as they are having lessons with me. If you are interested in having lessons with me click here to get in touch!